mercy of God

美 [ˈmɜːrsi əv ɡɑːd]英 [ˈmɜːsi ɒv ɡɒd]
  • 上帝的仁慈
mercy of Godmercy of God
  1. Though he doubts the mercy of god in The Bible , yet he does not want to abandon the constraint of its doctrines to elevate man to deity as the transcendentalists used to do then .


  2. No matter what kind of sorrow we experience , there is only one real comfort & the mercy of God .


  3. We predicate goodness and mercy of god .


  4. This grace cannot be merited ; it proceeds solely from the love and mercy of God .


  5. The mercy of God is beautiful in the time of affliction , as a cloud of rain in the time of drought .


  6. The haling of such awful diseases was attributed to the grace and mercy of God .


  7. But I am like a green olive tree in the house of god : I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever .


  8. You are carrying your worship from an hour on Sunday morning to every hour of every day , motivated by the mercy of God .


  9. This reality compels us to stand with others who are stirred by the conviction that the mercy of God in Jesus Christ is our only hope of eternal salvation .


  10. You shall be filled with goodness and mercy and the favor of God , which no one can take away from you .


  11. Give ear to the word of the lord , O children of israel ; for the Lord has a cause against the people of this land , because there is no good faith in it , and no mercy and no knowledge of God in the land .


  12. Divine Mercy : The Holy Father found the purest reflection of God 's mercy in the Mother of God .


  13. Have mercy on me – The tax collector pleads on the mercy of God for forgiveness .
